JGW Live Sites: Public

Non-profit Distance Learning Sites,
Inter-Faith Religious Humanitarian Sites
& Progressive Political Informational Sites
by JGW: Jennifer Gopinathadasi Woodward

See the test-site status keys page for the explanation
of color codes and letter abbreviations used in this web page

WebLearningTools Research

R&D of free & very low cost distance Learning

Radha Krishna Seva

good works, small-to-large by Inter-faith respecting vegetarians & Vegans

Green Ideas Sites

Helping to make smarter & more effective Green s

(what I would still be doing 3/4 time if there had been no 2008 Financial Collapse and no Trump as President in 2016)

  • wltres-j3x
    the 2016-to-present-day live site. Extant since before 2010. 2022 July: under re-revision..

WL Productions

  • wlprod-j3x
    beta1 – empty.
    for collaborative curricula, lesson(s), class(es) prototype(s) development and test using.

WL Tools Productions

  • wltp-j3x
    beta1 – empty.
    for WebLearning CMSes “add-on” code tools development R&D.
(what my heart would like to be doing 1/8-1/2-time if US and world politics were not so much worse since 2008.)

  • rkseva-j3x
    the currently recreated, most up-to-date Joomla site, but not yet populated with old or new content, soon to be the next LIVE rkseva site.

  • usgi-j3x
    “just” an html information page for now. Formally the 2016 live site, soon to be the much upgraded 2022 national news aggregation site for the USA and all 50 states for progressives and for most for  GPUS members in all 50 states and 6+ US territories. When upgraded, vetted progressives with a site account can  add their ideas, news articles they find online, articles they write and opinions they create, etc.

A portal (window) to both LIVE usgi sites and to experimental prototype a.k.a. demo or test sites in-development.