Current PUBLIC Subdomain Multisites

Current PUBLIC Subdomain Sites of Interest
on the USGI domain’s file system
Last Update: 23.11.14


Column 1
SEED sites help a WordPress multisite-developer build a working state, county, mega-city multisite very quickly (< 1 day).  Once cloned (restored and rebranded from a seed site) then all the state’s  counties, or all a large county’s regions or all the 400K sized city to mega-city’s districts, all of which are still in a functional beta-state, are also ready for content developers and the client organization’s end-users to use.

  • acity-wp – not public yet but coming soon.
  • acounty-wp – not public yet but coming soon.
  • astate-wp – not public yet but coming soon.

Below will b e a table with a WP Multisite for each state’s Green Party.
They exist as subdomain sites on this domain’s file-system but besides gpca-wp, shown below, are not ready to be public.

  • GPUS-wp – beta WP multisite with a national site and a site for each of the 50 states. US territory sites coming “soon”.
  • gpca-wp – beta WP multisite with a state-wide site and a site for each of California’s 58 counties.

Coming soon from astate-wp SEED sites:

  • cw4pres2024-wp: a rebranded copy of the GPUS-wp site rebranded for democratic socialist Rev Dr. Cornel West’s run as the U.S. Independent Party’s candidate for President in 2024. See his rented campaign site at
  • js4pres2024-wp: a rebranded copy of the GPUS-wp site rebranded for democratic socialist MD Dr.Jill Stein’s run as the U.S. Independent Party’s candidate for President in 2024. She ran as the GP candidate in 2016 and 2020. as well
Table of Seed Site-created State Sites with few counties.


A portal (window) to both LIVE usgi sites and to experimental prototype a.k.a. demo or test sites in-development.