Multisite Improvements Log

Multisite Improvements
Work Log

  • jgw230611 Su: Started with site-0 (network site) to standardize it to use the “top 8” most popular languages used in the USA for all sites of this multisite {EN, MX, CH FR, FP, VT, Arabic, Korean}. PS: “Top 10” = IBID + {RU (russian), DE (german)}
  • jgw230607 We: create this cw4pres2024-wp site for Cornel West and the PPUS by restoring the May backup of GPUS-wp and editing the first database only, “DB=Only” backup to replace all “Green Party” and “GPUS” strings in the restored database with “Peoples Party” and “PPUS” strings then IMPORTING the edited database so it is the current database for cw4pres2024-wp multisite.

…a BETA-state Wordpress (WP) multisite supplementing our national and state NationBuilder (NB) sites.